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Dealer Overview


Urbano Motorhomes Aarschot
Ter Heidelaan 513200 AarschotBelgique

+32 (0) 16 359 440
[email protected]

Visit website

Urbano Motorhomes Namur
Rue Roger Marchal 95380 FernelmontBelgique

+32 (0)81 23 46 40
[email protected]

Visit website

Urbano Motorhomes Oostende
Torhoutsesteenweg 5818400 OostendeBelgique

+32 (0) 5955 4000
[email protected]

Visit website


Auto Conen GmbH
Felix-Wankel-Straße 952351 DürenDeutschland

+49 (0) 2421 953710
[email protected]

Visit website

Auto Freizeit Kruse
Hansestraße 3-526529 Upgant-SchottDeutschland

+49 (0) 4934-4477
[email protected]

Visit website

Auto Service Abel GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 6a36088 HünfeldDeutschland

+49 (0) 6672 919495
[email protected]

Visit website

Autohaus am Petersberg GmbH / Wohnmobilpark Petersberg
Flonheimer Str. 3455234 BiebelnheimDeutschland

+49 (0) 6733-9211-0
[email protected]

Visit website

Autohaus Hack GmbH
Hagenfeldstraße 375038 OberderdingenDeutschland

+49 (0) 7045 9629 0
[email protected]

Visit website

Autohaus Thomas Süper
Bonner Straße 181-18340589 DüsseldorfDeutschland

+49 (0) 211 688507 0
[email protected]

Visit website

Braun Reisemobile
Wackerstraße 1c85084 ReichertshofenDeutschland

+49 (0) 8453 4759855
[email protected]

Visit website

BSH Fahrzeugkomponenten GmbH
Hermann-Hollerith-Straße 552499 BaesweilerDeutschland

+49 (0) 2401 603940
[email protected]

Visit website

Camping & Caravaning Schneider KG
Im Drachenacker 2377656 OffenburgDeutschland

+49 (0) 781 6392270
[email protected]

Visit website

Camping Center Steiner GmbH
Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 185254 SulzemoosDeutschland

+49 (0) 8135 937450
[email protected]

Visit website

Camping Center Steiner GmbH
Am Lerchenfeld 886956 SchongauDeutschland

+49 (0) 88 61 93 36 56 - 0
[email protected]

Visit website

Campingcenter Overath GmbH & Co KG
Weberstraße 1251491 OverathDeutschland

+49 (0) 2206-95131 0
[email protected]

Visit website

Caravan & Reisemobilcenter Reinfeld GmbH & Co. KG
Stubbendorfer Ring 1423858 WesenbergDeutschland

+49 (0) 4533 - 787770
[email protected]

Visit website

Caravan Park Erkner GmbH
Berliner Str. 12a15537 ErknerDeutschland

+49 (0) 3362 7000599
[email protected]

Visit website

Caravaning Center Bad Kreuznach GmbH + Co KG
Mainzer Str. 2255545 Bad KreuznachDeutschland

+49 (0) 671-88 999-0
[email protected]

Visit website

Christian Braun Automobile GmbH
Am Sender 256070 KoblenzDeutschland

+49 (0) 261 98267 0
[email protected]

Visit website

CMS Reisemobile GmbH
Heinrich-Diehl-Str. 290552 Röthenbach an der PegnitzDeutschland

+49 (0) 911 540 78 31
[email protected]

Visit website

Die Schneider Gruppe GmbH
Müllerstraße 31-3309113 ChemnitzDeutschland

+49 (0) 371 450000
[email protected]

Visit website

Dinnebier Automobile GmbH
Nordring 612681 BerlinDeutschland

+49 (0) 30 93893-238
[email protected]

Visit website

Dinnebier Automobile GmbH
Grünstraße 1/2514482 PotsdamDeutschland

+49 (0) 331 70444-23
[email protected]

Visit website

Dinnebier Automobile GmbH
Delitzscher Landstraße 15004158 LeipzigDeutschland

+49 (0) 341-5241 0
[email protected]

Visit website

Dörr Reisemobile GmbH
Am Hottenwald 266606 St. Wendel / BliesenDeutschland

+49 (0) 6851 802430
[email protected]

Visit website

Dörr Reisemobile Thüringen
Ausspanne 30-31 (Gewerbegebiet an der B4)98693 IlmenauDeutschland

+49 (0) 3677 46880-0
[email protected]

Visit website

Dörr-Benkel Reisemobile Nord GmbH & Co. KG
Blankenauerstr. 1637688 BeverungenDeutschland

+49 (0) 5273 3608-29
[email protected]

Visit website

Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 2734123 KasselDeutschland

+49 (0) 561 9988-0
[email protected]

Visit website

Ehlers Mobile Welten GmbH und Co KG
Heinrich-Evers-Str. 421769 LamstedtDeutschland

+49 (0) 4773 879460
[email protected]

Visit website

FFM Freese Freizeit-Mobile
Im Schloor 426203 WardenburgDeutschland

+49 (0) 440791559811
[email protected]

Visit website

Hanse Service & Verwaltungs GmbH
Zur Radewiese 5A18196 KavelstorfDeutschland

+49 (0) 38208 / 820653
[email protected]

Visit website

JR Reisemobile
Philipp-Reis-Str. 2363477 MaintalDeutschland

+49 (0) 69-40807711
[email protected]

Visit website

Lisa Automobile GmbH
An der Ilau 2121436 MarschachtDeutschland

+49 (0) 4176 – 949 11 44
[email protected]

Visit website

M. Lehmann Reisemobil- und Freizeitcenter e.K.
Obereimer 2859821 ArnsbergDeutschland

+49 (0) 2931 787533
[email protected]

Visit website

Mi-Mobile GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 5073630 RemshaldenDeutschland

+49 (0) 7151 97 39 - 0
[email protected]

Visit website

MP Reisemobile Hessen GmbH
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 1535398 GießenDeutschland

+49 (0) 641 399 22 610
[email protected]

Visit website

MS Reisemobile GmbH
Im Derdel 2648161 MünsterDeutschland

+49 (0) 2534 64666 0
[email protected]

Visit website

Niemöller Mobiles Reisen
Wilhelm-Bunsen-Str. 1249685 EmstekDeutschland

+49 (0) 4473-930115
[email protected]

Visit website

Stadionstr. 235745 HerbornDeutschland

+49 (0) 2772-575108
[email protected]

Visit website

Premium Mobile Kuntz GmbH
Eichkoppel 124214 GettorfDeutschland

+49 4346 41160
[email protected]

Visit website

Bedburger Weide 3747551 Bedburg-HauDeutschland

+49 (0) 2821 12162
[email protected]

Visit website

Reisemobil-Center Josuweck GmbH & Co. KG
Pferdebachstr. 15058454 WittenDeutschland

+49 (0) 2302 580110
[email protected]

Visit website

Reisemobil-Center Rhein-Main-Odenwald
Reinhard-Müller-Ring 14a64853 Otzberg/LengfeldDeutschland

+49 (0) 6162-96 99 580
[email protected]

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Reisemobile Loffing
Grüner Weg 333449 LangenbergDeutschland

+49 (0) 5248 820777
[email protected]

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Servicepartner: Auto Center Klaus
Oberriedweg 9-13a88662 ÜberlingenDeutschland

+49 (0) 7551 95200
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Autohof Kosmalla
Gießerstraße 4404229 LeipzigDeutschland

+49 (0) 341 4153680
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Automot Transportmittel-Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Güterbahnhofstraße 46-4801809 HeidenauDeutschland

+49 (0) 3529 56780
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Campingwelt Weißenhorn e.K.
Dietschstraße 589264 WeißenhornDeutschland

+49 (0) 162 9329767
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Caravan Metropol
Edisonstraße 1402625 BautzenDeutschland

+49 (0) 3591 2796-500
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Freimotec Freizeitmobile Technik & Service
Breitenloher Weg 1191166 GeorgensgmündDeutschland

Servicepartner: K + S Mobil Krümpelmann + Schneiders GbR
Leugermannstraße 448431 RheineDeutschland

+49 (0) 5971-98 54 46
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Miehle Caravan & Fahrzeugservice
Riedstraße 1288410 Bad WurzachDeutschland

+49 (0) 7564-94 85 152
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: MW Fahrzeug Technik e.K.
Steinstraße 12-1435641 Schöffengrund / SchwalbachDeutschland

+49 (0) 6445 / 6120500
[email protected]

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Servicepartner: Plus Caravaning Center
Ohmstraße 1885254 SulzemoosDeutschland

+49 (0) 8135 937 550
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Reisemobil-Center Lörrach GmbH
Alte Straße 2279541 LörrachDeutschland

+49 (0) 7621 9357077
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Reisemobil-Service-Center Dülmen
Wierlings Hook 2248249 DülmenDeutschland

+49 (0) 2594-78 25 347
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Reisemobile Bamberg – Die Werkstatt
Kronacher Straße 9496052 BambergDeutschland

+49 (0) 951-371 82
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Reisemobile Fischer
Hindenburgstraße 8072622 NürtingenDeutschland

+49 (0) 7022-44 598
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Schmitz Reisemobile GmbH
Hunsrückhöhenstr. 1056154 Boppard-BuchholzDeutschland

+49 (0) 6701-91 15 36
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: Wilfart Caravan Worlds e.K.
Salzhub 1883737 IrschenbergDeutschland

+49 (0) 8062 7758890
[email protected]

Visit website

Stotz Caravaning
Max-Planck-Straße 772359 DotternhausenDeutschland

+49 (0) 7427 4889601
[email protected]

Visit website

Volkert Reisemobile und Wohnwagen
Roßmühle 197782 GräfendorfDeutschland

+49 (0) 9357 485
[email protected]

Visit website

WAP-MOBIL Reisemobile
Daimlerstraße 7-932130 EngerDeutschland

+49 (0) 5224 976 796
[email protected]

Visit website

Wohnmobile Ratzeburg by AL-CAR Technology
Am Rackerschlag 1-723909 RatzeburgDeutschland

+49 (0)4541 805 99 0
[email protected]

Visit website


ADS Loisirs
ZA de Beauséjour35520 La MézièreFrance

+33 (0)2 99 66 45 32
[email protected]

Visit website

Andrieux Camping-Cars
205 Ch. de la Roche du Guide26780 MalataverneFrance

+33 (0)4 75 50 05 04

Visit website

Auto Camping-Car Service
4 & 6 avenue des carrières14760 CaenFrance

+33 (0) 231730101
[email protected]

Visit website

Bordeaux Camping-Cars SAS
106 Avenue de L'Aquitaine33560 Sainte-EulalieFrance

+33 (0) 5 56 34 87
[email protected]

Visit website

Camping-cars de l’Ouest
ZA du coadic29470 LoperhetFrance

+33 (0) 298 405935
[email protected]

Visit website

Camping-Cars de Touraine
RN 76 rue de Bléré37270 VéretzFrance

+33 (0) 247 50 31 70
[email protected]

Visit website

Eure Camping Car SARL
Perriers la Campagne - 90 route de la Mairie27170 Nassandres sur RisleFrance

+ 33 (0) 6 77 70 33 78

Europ’Holidays sarl
2 route de Paris67117 IttenheimFrance

+33 (3) 88 69 09 03
[email protected]

Visit website

Idylcar Loisirs Camper
Les Maisonnettes43290 Montfaucon en VelayFrance

+33 (0) 471 59 97 30
[email protected]

Visit website

LDL – Lucas Diffusion Loisirs – La Roche/Yon
Parc de la Landette - 8 rue Gutenberg85190 VenansaultFrance

+33 (0) 2 51 40 13 00
[email protected]

Visit website

LDL – Lucas Diffusion Loisirs Benet
Moulin du Joug 385490 BenetFrance

+33 (0) 2 51873840
[email protected]

Visit website

LDL – Lucas Diffusion Loisirs La Rochelle
Impasse du soleil17138 PuilboreauFrance

+33 (0) 546 68 88 88
[email protected]

Visit website

Lebrun et fils Caravanes sarl
Route Nationale, 643 Chem. d'Oisy59169 FérinFrance

[email protected]

Visit website

Lebrun et fils Caravanes sarl
46 Av. de le République62950 Noyelles-GodaultFrance

[email protected]

Visit website

Loisirs 40
115 Route de Stanquet 40990 MéesFrance

+33 (0) 5 58 43 61 35
[email protected]

Visit website

Loisirs Evasion – LB Pays Basque
12 avenue du Dr. Camille Delvaille64100 BayonneFrance

+33 (0) 5 59 55 24 24
[email protected]

Visit website

Moto Racing 74 sarl – OCC Camping Car
118 Zone Artisanale de l'Ile Sud74910 SeysselFrance

+33 457281107
[email protected]

Visit website

Muratet Camping Car 31 – Libertium Muratet
7 Rue Aristide Bergès31600 MuretFrance

+33 (5) 61513131
[email protected]

Visit website

PACAR Libertium Perpignan
253 Rue Etienne Bobo66600 PerpignanFrance

+ 33 (0) 4 68 64 24 96

Visit website

SLC – Libertium Angers
ZA La Promenade, Route d’Angers Cholet49750 Beaulieu sur LayonFrance

+33 2 41 78 31 66

Visit website

YpoCamp Béarn Loisirs 64 – Libertium Lescar
89 Bd de l'EuropeF-64230 LescarFrance

+33 5 59 77 66 00
[email protected]

Visit website


Via Tonale 424061 AlbanoItalia

+39 35 58 23 36
[email protected]

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Autocaravan Tempo Libero s.r.l.
Via Toscana, 341012 Carpi (MO)Italia

+39 59 663181
[email protected]

Visit website

Cavour Camper
Via Pinerolo 16010061 CavourItalia

+39 (0) 121 6156
[email protected]

Visit website

Lucchetta Camper S.A.S.
Via Sernaglia, 4431053 Pieve di Soligo TVItalia

+39 (0) 438 82171
[email protected]

Visit website


Camperland BV
Berghemseweg 2A5373 KH HerpenNederland

+31 (0) 486 413678
[email protected]

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New Zealand

Infinity Caravans, Motorhomes, Sales & Service
61 Hayton Road8042 Wigram, ChristchurchNew Zealand

[email protected]

Visit website


Bergen Marine
Grimstadveien 935252 SoreidegrendNorge

+47 957 24 568
[email protected]

Visit website

Bobil Haugesund AS
Vestheimvegen 364250 KopervikNorge

+47 (0) 4000 1881
[email protected]

Visit website

Bobil Oslo AS
Gamle Glittrevei 111484 HakadalNorge

+47 (4000) 1881
[email protected]

Visit website

Bobil Spillum AS
Sandgata 47800 NamsosNorge

+47 (948) 406 71
[email protected]

Visit website

Bobil Trondheim AS
Industriveien 39A7080 HeimdalNorge

+47 (4000) 1881
[email protected]

Visit website

Håkon Camping
Sundmoen 602270 FlisaNorge

+47 62 95 00 58
[email protected]

Visit website

Icaravan Alta
Betongveien 219515 AltaNorge

+47 48 24 24 42
[email protected]

Visit website

iCaravan AS
Strandvegen 144B9006 TromsöNorge

+47 (0) 95 43 43 56
[email protected]

Visit website

Kirkenes Bil AS
Arbeidergata 29900 KirkenesNorge

+47 (0) 78 97 01 00
[email protected]

Visit website

Løviknes Caravan
Buktavegen 156390 VestnesNorge

+47 71 18 89 60
[email protected]

Visit website

Midtnorge Bil og Bobil
Vindørvegen 2 SurnadalsøraNorge

+47 480 09 900
[email protected]

Visit website

Norbil AS
Rundhagen 99409 HarstadNorge

+47 77002400
[email protected]

Visit website

Rana Caravan Senter AS
Entreprenoerveien 1B8610 Mo i RanaNorge

+47 (0) 40 60 60 60
[email protected]

Visit website

Sola Bobil AS
Vestre Svanholmen 194313 SandnesNorge

+47 51690200
[email protected]

Visit website

Stamsaas Fritid AS
Vogts vei 401710 SarpsborgNorge

+47 (0) 69 13 89 40
[email protected]

Visit website

Sør Caravan AS
Skytterheia 34790 LillesandNorge

+47 97311000
[email protected]

Visit website


Benimar Polska
ul.Zwyciestwa 1147-225 Kędzierzyn-KoźlePolska

+48 60 1409938
[email protected]

Visit website


tederent aluguer de autocaravanas Ida.
Av. Nossa Senhora da Guia3105 GuiaPortugal

+351 236952857
[email protected]

Visit website


B&W – Bantam Wankmüller S.A.
En Rambuz 11037 EtagnièresSchweiz

+41 (0)21 731 91 91

Visit website

Bantam-Camping AG
Heinrich Stutz-Str. 48902 UrdorfSchweiz

+41 (0)44 777 00 00
[email protected]

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Grand-Rue 572606 CorgémontSchweiz

+41 (0) 32 4881070
[email protected]

Visit website

Käser Camping AG
Eichenstrasse 59220 BischofszellSchweiz

+41 (0) 71 311 38 39
[email protected]

Visit website

Steiner’s Wohnmobile AG
Haldenweg 73510 KonolfingenSchweiz

+41 (0) 31 790 25 20
[email protected]

Visit website


Avtodomar – SLOMOT
Peruzzijeva 1261000 LjubljanaSlovenia

[email protected]

Visit website


SLOMOT d.o.o.
Peruzzijeva ul. 1261000 LubljanaSlovenija

+386 (0) 4160 1005
[email protected]

Visit website


Doprava PK s.r.o.
Rozalka 290201 PezinokSlovensko

+421 (905) 616 947
[email protected]

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Kuopion Retkiauto Oy
Oppipojankuja 270780 KuopioSuomi

+358 400 672900
[email protected]

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Albins Husbilar
Arbogavägen 314731 60 ValskogSverige

+46 (0) 221 - 760055
[email protected]

Visit website

Albins Husbilar AB
Arbogavägen 314731 60 ValskogSverige

‭+46 221-76 00 55‬
[email protected]

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Autohallen Husbilar – Borås
Stormgatan 7504 64 BoråsSverige

+46 (0) 322 63 00 52
[email protected]

Visit website

Autohallen Husbilar – Karlstad
Blekegatan 4652 21 KarlstadSverige

+46 (0) 54 15 15 90
[email protected]

Visit website

Autohallen Husbilar – Kungsängen
Petterbergsvägen 31H196 36 KungsängenSverige

+46 (0) 8 41079090
[email protected]

Visit website

Autohallen Husbilar – Lomma
Järngatan 39234 35 LommaSverige

+46 (0) 40 30 49 00
[email protected]

Visit website

Autohallen Husbilar – Uddevalla
Kurödsvägen 22451 55 UddevallaSverige

+46 (0) 522 646590
[email protected]

Visit website

United Kingdom

M&C, Motorhomes and Caravans Ltd
Unit 2 Reservoir RoadHU6 7QD Kingston upon HullUnited Kingdom

+44 (0) 1482 448157
[email protected]

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Motorhome and Caravans LTD
Stoneferry RoadHU7 OEG HullUnited Kingdom

+44 (1482) 448157
[email protected]

Visit website


E&S Motors GmbH
Linzer Straße 834240 FreistadtÖsterreich

+43 7942 77599 0
[email protected]

Visit website

Mühlweg 52 / 54 / 608402 WerndorfÖsterreich

+43 (0) 3135 54497 200
[email protected]

Visit website

Rass GmbH
Salzburger Straße 396380 St. Johann in TirolÖsterreich

+43 (0) 664 3424 999
[email protected]

Visit website

Servicepartner: StarCaravan Wohnwagen & Wohnmobilhandelsges. m. b. H.
Am Weichselgarten 42201 Gerasdorf bei WienÖsterreich

+43 (0) 2246-34 111
[email protected]

Visit website

Česká republika

Caravan Center Moravia, s.r.o.
Kotojedy 56767 01 KroměřížČeská republika

+420 732 755 522
[email protected]

Visit website
Staré náměstí 1079/11a161 00 Praha 6Česká republika

+420 792 320 382
[email protected]

Visit website

Karavany Humpolec
Světlice 20396 01 HumpolecČeská republika

+420 604 254 355
[email protected]

Visit website

K Sídlišti 442, Velká Ledhuje549 54 Police nad MetujíČeská republika

+420 777 577 588
[email protected]

Visit website


CamperShop Ltd.
Blvd. Evropa 4291331 SofiaБългария

+359 88 6330606
[email protected]

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John Gillespie – Delta Link Co., Ltd.
101 – 1 Kasuyama710-0026 Kurashiki日本

[email protected]

Visit website

Eura Mobil GmbH
Eura Mobil GmbH
Eura Mobil GmbH
Eura Mobil GmbH
Eura Mobil GmbH
Eura Mobil GmbH